Bowen therapy and study
Are you a student? If so, you know the individual problems you could be faced with. So what can Bowen therapy do for you?
All the general information about Bowen / fascia therapy is of course also applicable to you as a student, but there’s more. Just as professionals encounter problems at their work, so could you as a student.
Studying is hard work! You can get overloaded, have a burnout, lack motivation, etc. And it’s taken for granted that you can function independently in almost all areas. That’s a lot!
The stress that arises when something doesn’t go quite as it should is enough to knock you off balance. That’s not a problem if it’s temporary; things usually work themselves out. But being in such a situation for a longer period of time can affect mental and/or physical balance and could, among other things, impede your studies.
So what can you do, as a student, in such a situation?
Learn about the possibilities and powerful effects of Bowen therapy and ask the questions you’d like answered.
And use it all to your advantage! Bowen therapy quickly provides relaxation and recovery and is also highly recommended as a preventative therapy. Bowen therapy is also recommended for sports injury prevention and injury treatment.